Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's official

We've started trying.

I'm terrified, ecstatic, and nervous all at the same time! We'll see where life takes us, I guess. But I just talked to my boss, as I was nervous about telling her about the surgery. And she said that she appreciated my honesty and was glad that I told her and gave her the heads up. They will put me out on salary continuation (short-term dissability) but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Because realistically, I could already be pregnant or it could take 4 years. Who knows? So if it takes a while, it's not going to matter anyway. But I just wanted her to know where we stood. I feel happy that I talked with her.

I don't know where the next few months are going to take us. But I know that I'm onboard for the ride. There's no getting off now!


Monica H said...

I am so happy for you and so jealous at the same time. I wanna start trying, too. Unfortunately, I can't inseminate myself or I already would have :) Good luck to you and if you want me to go up there and babysit your dog when you get the surgery I will.

Cajun Cutie said...

Woo Hoo! I told you 2008 will be our year for babies. Here's to you and I making babies soon before we go crazy! Miss you!