Thursday, August 24, 2006

So we talked...

I went to the doctor a few days ago and he wants me to have a HSG done. It's a procedure in which they insert dye into the uterus and take x-rays to make sure that everything is shaped correctly. I'm nervous about it. But I don't know why. I certainly don't have any reason to be. He also said that there is an increase in fertility in the 3 months following the procedure.

That's where the decision comes in. When do we get this done? September? October? November? I don't want to wait that long. Derick said that he doesn't want to try again until November. But me, I wanted to be pregnant 2 hours ago. So we talked, and worked it out. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow and set it up for September. We will avoid in September, and start trying in October. I still wanted to be pregnant again before Dylan's due date, but this will do. It's a compromise both of us are content with. It's only another month away, really. And September will go fast.

Now I just have to find a job. I'm looking but it seems so hard. I used to find jobs so quickly. I guess I just don't have my heart in it. I know I have to work, but it's becoming a chore to find something that I'm happy with. Hopefully something will turn up though.