Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dear Dr. Dick,

I saw you today. You probably didn't recognize me. But I know you. You killed Riley. You let him die. And you don't care. In fact, you probably don't even know that you killed him.

I hate what you did to my son. I hate what you did to my family. You ruined me as a person. You made me distrust everything that I once trusted. You made me a bitter, angry human being. A person that I wish I didn't know. And once again, you don't care.

I've got news for you. You will not know our baby this time. You won't touch him/her, and you'll never lay a finger on my body. You don't need to know that I have a TAC this time around, that I put myself and my baby through this surgery because you didn't act fast enough with the vaginal cerclage. You don't need to know that everything looks really good with the baby, and with my cervix. And you certainly don't need to know that I'm even pregnant again. You won't see happy pictures of us, and you won't ever look into my baby's eyes or touch it's soft hair. You won't see it's chubby cheeks, or it's pink won't even hear it's breath.

You took that away from me, Dr. Dick. And for that I can never forgive you. You robbed me of the life I was supposed to have with Riley. You took away those moments that every mother dreams of...and you don't care. How many other dreams have you taken from mother's just like me? Because I know you crushed Lisa's. You robbed her of her life with Brandon and Matthew. Do you know that? Do you know what you've done to us?

I'm angry, I'm bitter...and I still have a lot of hatred. I don't ever, ever want to see you again. And if you can't tell by the angry eyes I gave you today, then you are much worse off than I thought.

I hope that you sleep well at night knowing what you've done to us.


Melissa said...

I have a Dr. Jerk. I completely understand.

Unknown said...

I also have a Dr. Jerk and I feel the same way about him.

I just found your blog and read about your consultations with Dr. Davis. I have suffered from PROM in 2 pregnancies and also lost 2 precious babies. I thought that was it, I just couldn't carry to term but your story about a TAC has given me hope for the first time. I would be very interested in hearing more about Dr. Davis especially about how to contact him.

I am so glad things are going ok with this pregnancy. It is wonderful and I am so happy. Even though we don't know each other I know how awful it is to lose babies who are just too little to survive and to see someone who has gone through that go on is great.

Becky said...


Email me at and I'll gladly share my story with the man who saved me. In all my life, I never thought that I'd ever find someone...a doctor...that spoke and acted straight from God like he does. He's truly a gift, and I can't imagine going through life without him.

I truly urge you to look into the TAC further. I'm not sure about your stories, but it seems identical to mine. PROM at 17 and 16 weeks...perfect in every way, but to little to survive.

I have tons of information on him and the TAC...his personal success rate is right around 97% getting to term where the success rate of the vaginal cerclage is about 84% getting to viability, 24 weeks. And of the pregnancies that were lost, they had nothing to do with an incompetent cervix!

Anyhow, if you get me! I'd love to share my story and give you that added hope that we all need. Take care of yourself!

Monica H said...

I had a Dr. Biotch. I think they may all be related to eachother.

LISA said...


WELL SAID.........I hope he leaves that group and we both never have to see his face again.....Lisa

Anonymous said...

I check on you everyday and keep you in my thougts and prayers always. I have to pass the hospital where Susannah died on my way to work each morning. It took me a long time to get past the anger every time I drive past so I understand your rage at the doctor.
Take care and have a lovely Easter.
