Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm finally able to sit at the computer for an extended period of time to write an update. I appologize to everyone that was waiting for one...

I got my staples out last Wednesday, and the doctor examined my incision. He said that everything looked really, really good and then he insisted on doing an ultrasound. I think it was more to see the TAC than to see the baby, as he excitedly pointed that out on the screen. But regardless, all was well with both. He then went on to tell us that the hospital that I will be delivering at has 4000-5000 babies born their each year making it the 4th largest delivery center in the state. Then he explained that he has been in practice for 15 years, and it those 15 years he has only see 5 abdominal cerclages! It was really interesting to hear, because I knew it was rare but had no idea that it was THAT rare. He also mentioned that there aren't many because most people just give up after a second loss, and he commended me for not doing that. Although, I can certainly understand why people would give up. I'd be lying if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. However the need to have a child of my own strongly outweighed the fear of things going wrong again. And if it happens again...and only if it happenes again...I'll really believe that things happen for a reason. That I'm just not meant to have my own biological children. But God knows that I have a renewed faith right now. I don't know how long it will last, and I don't know that I'll always feel this way...but I'm confident. And it feels good for right now. I'll let you know how confident I feel around 15 weeks though : )

Anyway, the recovery has been going really well. My mom has pretty much been here every day taking care of things for us. Making meals, cleaning up, and doing laundry. Derick still can't do much with his finger, and after going to the ER Saturday night we thought it was infected. We went to his doctor this morning and he's scheduled tomorrow for surgery to remove the tip, but the doctor said he's going to do what he can to save the fingernail.

My incision is healing really well. The steri-strips are starting to come off, and it's healed pretty much. I think that the scaring will be minimal, which is nice. But let's be honest...it's not like I'm going to be wearing a bikini anytime soon! I still have mild pain, but it's not to bad. At first I felt like something was wrong because I've been very sore below my belly-button. But then I figured out today that it might just be trapped gas. The doctor also explained the other day that when Dr. Davis did the surgery he needed to move all of my other organs around to get to my uterus which causes some irratability with them. Things are bruised and a bit swollen, but completely normal. At least I'll know what to expect with the c-section!

Derick loved reading your comments, and he couldn't believe how many people cared. So thank you all for that. He's been checking my email and reading my messages aloud to me.

So now I'm off...my mom is coming over to take me out to lunch and to Target for a little while. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get one of those motorized carts though. That way I'll be more comfortable. My body deffinately tells me when I've done to much!


~S said...

I'm so happy to hear you are OK! Although I'm very sorry about your DH's finger.

Let me know when you are ready for a phone chat!

M said...

It's nice to hear an update from you! Have fun at your excursion to Target :)

Monica H said...

So jealous of you riding around in that motorized cart. I always wanted to do that.

Glad to know you are doing well!

Marcie said...

I've been checking the blog and I'm so relieved to hear that everything is going well. I am very excited for you and have every faith in the world that this little one will soon be here happy and healthy and surrounded in love.
I can't wait to hear if it's a little boy or a little girl.

Amy said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Enjoy lunch and shoping! Take care of you!

Anonymous said...

Becky, bless you for posting so many details about your TAC including the preparations, healing etc. i'm so glad you are doing so well now. i'm meeting w/dr. davis tomorrow the 11th. i'm so excited, anxious, etc. i am saddened to hear that so many give up after 2 losses, not that i can blame them. but it makes me sad. so your doctor only has come by 5 tac's in his 15 years of practice, huh? we really are special. well please say a mini prayer for me and send me good vibes. again thank you for all your detail in your blog about the TAC it really does me good.
